Did you just feel knots build in your stomach?

Girl! You are NOT alone! I promise you that!

It is So hard, for some, to feel comfortable in front of a camera. You feel you need to look and even act a certain way, that you need to know exactly how to pose and what your "best" side is. And because you don't feel like you know these things, you start to sweat, get tense, and become very awkward, not even close to who you really are.

I will admit, I do quite a bit of self portraits and I even get awkward with myself! I am embarrassed in front of me! BUT! I am learning to embrace the other side of the camera and to really embrace me! It's time for you to do the same!

You are more than you see when you look in the mirror...

Sometimes I wish I could shake my clients into realizing how beautiful they are! Sometimes, I need to shake myself...
There is so much empowerment that surges through us when we can accept all of our flaws and still look in the mirror and say, " I look damn good today!"
There is a new love for yourself when you can look at that new wrinkle and remember the laughter and joy that brought that wrinkle out.
Point is, we are all beautiful women. Created in our own uniqueness and for a purpose. We need to show it

Be Bold! Book Now!

Don't underestimate who you are and what you are capable of! Your story deserves to be told!

You are beautiful, you are worthy, you are valuable, you are YOU!